Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wednesday June 1st

Since Monday, I have been going to Carron Primary School in Larbert, Scotland.  I have a P4 class.  They classify the grade levels differently over here.  They start in Nursery (3 and 4 year olds)  and then they move into P1 when they are 5.  The Primary School has up through P7 which is 11 year olds.  They then go into High School where they are classified as first years, second years, so on and so forth.  Anyway, I have P4's! They are all mainly 8 years old, some of them 9 because its the end of the year for them.  They are absolutely precious!  I can hardly understand a word they are saying when they talk to each other though because they talk so fast! Of course that is no different than American elementary students do! Haha.  There are several things that I have learned since I've been in the schools.  Most of them are words that have different meanings over here than they do back home.  The children call their erasers "rubbers" and they call their notebooks "jotters"  there are a few words that I learned not to say because that they have inapropriate meanings over here, so I wont mention them on here! Haha  Another funny thing that I noticed is that they all assumed that I personally knew a lot of movie stars and singers because I was from America.  They are all just as obsessed with Justin Bieber over here as they are in the States. Haha

My teacher does a lot of yelling in her classroom.  Which is disappointing to me.  They run all over her and the only method she uses to dicipline them is to yell.  Now I know that I am a young education major that has never had a classroom of my own.  Many would say that I am blissfully  unaware of what the teaching world is like.  Which is very true.  Maybe I am naive, but I truly believe that yelling is not the answer.  I can't wait until I get to have the class for a day and see how they react to me.  They may eat me alive, but I think I can do it! Haha 

I don't have much to say about the school yet because I have only been there for a few days!  I am going to see if my teacher minds if I take pictures, but there is a good chance that she will say no.  If that is the case then I am sorry, but if not, I will post some as soon as I can!  It is bedtime for me here, Goodnight all!!


  1. Greetings from your friendly blog stalker!

    That is so funny about not being able to understand the kids!! I had so much trouble when I was in Ireland.... Once, the waitress had to ask me about four times if I wanted a receipt, and I NEVER understood her--my friends had to translate her accent for me. It was ridiculous.

    I wish I was there with you guys experiencing the wonders of Scotland by the Yard! (Which, by the way, is a totally clever name.) I love you and miss you!!!

  2. I keep forgetting to ask you but I am curious about their class size. How big are the classes and is their school day set up similar to our elementary schools? I can't wait to hear about your trip to Ireland this weekend and see all the SHEEP pictures! Hint...Hint! Love you Kels!
